Eldritch Knight

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| type = article | site_name = Baldur's Gate 3 Wiki | title = Eldritch Knight - Вікі D&D українською | keywords = Eldritch Knight, Baldur's Gate 3 Wiki, BG3 Wiki, Baldur's Gate 3, BG3, Wiki, bg3.wiki | description = Eldritch Knight is a subclass of Fighter. | image = Eldritch Knight Icon.png


Eldritch Knights study magic to supplement their weaponry, allowing them to overcome resistance from the toughest foes.

Файл:Eldritch Knight Icon.png

Eldritch Knight is one of the Subclasses of Fighter. These Fighters are more specialized in spellcasting (from the Wizard Spell List). They utilize their martial prowess and magic to attack enemies or support allies in combat. Eldritch Knights use Intelligence as their spellcasting modifier.

Subclass Features

Level 3

  • Level 1 Spell Slots Unlocked: 2 (You gain two Level 1 Spell Slots.)
  • Cantrips (Choose 2):

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Level 4

Level 7

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Level 8

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Level 10

Level 11

Eldritch Knight Spellcasting Chart

Eldritch Knight Spellcasting Spell Slots per Spell Level
Fighter Level Cantrips Known Spells Known 1st 2nd
3rd 2 3* 2 -
4th 2 4 3 -
5th 2 4 3 -
6th 2 4 3 -
7th 2 5 4 2
8th 2 6* 4 2
9th 2 6 4 2
10th 3 7 4 3
11th 3 8 4 3
12th 3 8 4 3

*One spell learned at this level can be from the entire Wizard Spell List, the chosen spell must still be of a level for which the Eldritch Knight has spell slots for. (This is in contrast to the normal Eldritch Knight Spell List, which only contains the Abjuration and Evocation spells of the Wizard Spell List)

NB: Starting from the fourth level, every Eldritch Knight level gained also grants the option for one known spell to be replaced by another. This replacement spell is chosen from the entire Wizard Spell List, said replacement spell must still be of a level for which the Eldritch Knight has spell slots for.

Eldritch Knight Spell List

Eldritch Knight's Spell List is the same as the Wizard's, but with only non-cantrip spells from the schools of Abjuration or Evocation plus every wizard cantrip. However, Eldritch Knights may learn a spell from the entire wizard spell list at levels 3 and 8. The Replacement Spell Feature also allows an Eldritch Knight to swap any known spell with any spell from the full wizard spell list, once per level starting at class level 4.

The following spell list is the limited version. For the full list of Wizard spells from every spell school, see Wizard Spell List.

List of Spells and Cantrips
Cantrips 1st Level Spells 2nd Level Spells