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Shove is a Bonus Action that allows the user to shove an enemy, pushing them away (and possibly off ledges or into harmful effects).
Description[ред. | ред. код]
Try to push your target away.
Your success depends on your Athletics, and the target's Athletics or Acrobatics. You have Advantage if you're hidden or Invisible.
The shove distance depends on your Strength and the target's weight.
Properties[ред. | ред. код]
Range: 1.5 m / 5 ft
- Push the target away if they fail a Skill Contest
Notes[ред. | ред. код]
- The target rolls either an Athletics or Acrobatics Skill Check, whichever is higher, to contest the attempt. The shoving creature, however, always rolls Athletics.
- Shove can also be used to rouse a creature from slumber or help them shake off the effects of certain spells like Hypnotic Pattern.