Druid Grove

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| type = article | site_name = Baldur's Gate 3 Wiki | title = Druid Grove - Вікі D&D українською | keywords = Druid Grove, Baldur's Gate 3 Wiki, BG3 Wiki, Baldur's Gate 3, BG3, Wiki, bg3.wiki | description = The Druid Grove is a location within the Silvanus' Grove zone of the Wilderness in Chapter One of Baldur's Gate 3. | image =

Файл:Silvanus' Grove SW.png
The entry and ramparts of the Druid Grove.

The Druid Grove is a location within the Silvanus' Grove zone of the Wilderness region in Chapter One.

See also: Silvanus' Grove for the larger zone it is contained within.

Location Summary[ред. | ред. код]

Access[ред. | ред. код]

Primary entry to the Druid Grove is through the wooden gate in the Wilderness at ( X: 209 Y: 441 )

Alternate entry is through the Stone Door at ( X: ? Y: ? )

Story Interactions[ред. | ред. код]

[Needs Verification]

Увага, спойлер! Цей розділ розкриває подробиці про історію Браму Балдура 3.

Wayfinding[ред. | ред. код]

Файл:Druid Grove Map.png
The map areas named Druid Grove

The Druid Grove, when labeled on the player minimap, is actually split into four separate areas contained within the Silvanus' Grove zone:

  • SW Silvanus' Grove: This is the primary area that most consider the Druid's Grove. It contains the ramparts and front gate.
  • SE Silvanus' Grove: (upper): This area of the Druid Grove is located E of the Sacred Pool on the bluffs.
  • SE Silvanus' Grove: (lower): This area of the Druid Grove is located SE of the Sacred Pool down on the beach.
  • NW Silvanus' Grove: This area of the Druid Grove is located above the Secluded Chamber entry.

Connected Locations[ред. | ред. код]

Notable Characters[ред. | ред. код]

NPCs[ред. | ред. код]

Animals[ред. | ред. код]

  • Squirrel

Related Quests[ред. | ред. код]

[Needs Verification]

Notable Loot[ред. | ред. код]

[Needs Verification] Notable items obtained in this location, whether looted, purchased, or obtained as a quest reward:

Hidden Treasure[ред. | ред. код]

  • War Horn: Blow this war horn to receive five rounds Rallied.
  • Buried Treasure: ( X: 258 Y: 460 ) speak to the Squirrel, or pass a Perception check to dig up this treasure.
  • Heavy Chest: ( X: 130 Y: 527 ) in the portion of the Druid Grove above the Secluded Chamber, and visible only when you climb up some grass-covered stone steps.

External Links[ред. | ред. код]