The Wilderness is a region comprised of multiple locations in Chapter One of Baldur's Gate 3.
Region Summary[ред. | ред. код]
The Wilderness is a heavily forested area to the east of Baldur's Gate. A tribe of Goblins have made their home there, as well as several other types of monsters. Overgrown ruins can also be found here alongside several entrances to the Underdark.
It is the primary setting for the start of the game, and is visible on the map of the Over-world.
Access[ред. | ред. код]
No special action is required to reach this region. After completing the Prologue, the player will find themselves at a Location within the Wilderness known as the Ravaged Beach.
Wayfinding[ред. | ред. код]
Due to its immense size, the map of the Wilderness features several nameless locations with unique elements, or locations that only appear named on the player's minimap. To help navigate this region, the locations below may include adjacent nameless areas of the Wilderness.
South East Quadrant[ред. | ред. код]
Ravaged Beach[ред. | ред. код]
The Ravaged Beach is in the most SE quadrant of the Wilderness map. This area is labeled on the player minimap and is recognizable as the starting location for the player storyline.
This location is adjacent to the south of the Chapel Entrance, and southeast of an unnamed region of the map where Nautiloid wreckage still burns, known only as the Roadside Cliffs.
Chapel Entrance[ред. | ред. код]
The Chapel Entrance is a location in the SE quadrant of the Wilderness map. This location is just one portion of the Overgrown Ruins. This area is labeled on the player minimap and is recognizable as a crumbling edifice on a cliff.
This location is adjacent to the north of the Ravaged Beach, and an unnamed region of the map known only as the Roadside Cliffs.
"Roadside Cliffs"[ред. | ред. код]
Roadside Cliffs is a location in the SE quadrant of the Wilderness map. This area is unnamed on the player minimap and is recognizable for containing the burning wreckage of the Nautiloid, as well as an upward winding roadway.
This location is adjacent to the south of the Druid Grove the east of the Forest.
North East Quadrant[ред. | ред. код]
Silvanus' Grove[ред. | ред. код]
Silvanus' Grove is a settlement zone in the most NE quadrant of the Wilderness map. This area is named on the player world map for the waypoint, with more precise locations (such as Druid Grove) named on the player minimap. It is recognizable for its population of local Emerald Enclave druids who are hosting refugee tieflings fleeing from the city of Elturel.
This location is adjacent to the North of unnamed region of the map near the Roadside Cliffs, and east of the Risen Road.
North West Quadrant[ред. | ред. код]
Risen Road[ред. | ред. код]
The Risen Road is a location in the north and central quadrant of the Wilderness map. This area is labeled on the player minimap and is recognizable for ____.
This location is adjacent to the west of the Druid Grove, to the north of the Forest, and the passage location for both Waukeen's Rest and the Mountain Pass to its west.
Waukeen's Rest[ред. | ред. код]
Waukeen's Rest is a location in the NW quadrant of the Wilderness map. This area is labeled on the player minimap and is recognizable for the large fire that consumes its primary building as a result of a raid.
This location is adjacent to the northwest of the Risen Road .
Mountain Pass[ред. | ред. код]
The Mountain Pass is a location in the most northwest quadrant of the Wilderness map. This area is labeled on the player minimap and is recognizable for ____.
This location is adjacent to the west of Waukeen’s Rest and the Risen Road. Pass further westward to enter a separate region.
Central Quadrant[ред. | ред. код]
Forest[ред. | ред. код]
The Forest is a location in the center-most quadrant of the Wilderness map. This area is labeled on the player minimap and is recognizable for its large canopy of shade trees and soil pathways speckled with gray rocks.
This location contains the Blighted Village at its center. It is north of the Sunlit Wetlands, east of the Goblin Camp, south of The Risen Road, southwest of the Druid Grove, and west of the unnamed area known only as the Roadside Cliffs where the Nautiloid wreckage still burns.
Blighted Village[ред. | ред. код]
The Blighted Village is a location in the center-most quadrant Wilderness map. This area is labeled on the player minimap and is recognizable for a large windmill.
This location is surrounded by the Forest on all sides.
South Quadrant[ред. | ред. код]
Sunlit Wetlands[ред. | ред. код]
The Sunlit Wetlands (also known as the Putrid Bog is a location in the most SW quadrant of the Wilderness map. This area is labeled on the player minimap and is recognizable for it's beautiful pools of dappled waters with that eventually give way to dead trees and foetid marsh.
This location is adjacent to the South of the Forest.
West Central Quadrant[ред. | ред. код]
Goblin Camp[ред. | ред. код]
The Goblin Camp is a settlement location in the far west quadrant of the Wilderness map. This area is labeled on the player minimap and is recognizable by, perhaps unsurprisingly, its goblin residents.
This location is adjacent to the west of the Forest, and the Sunlit Wetlands to the South. Pass further westward to enter a separate region via the Mountain Pass.
Regional Locations[ред. | ред. код]
- Ravaged Beach
- Chapel Entrance
- Roadside Cliffs (unnamed SW area on minimap)
- Druid Grove
- The Risen Road
- Forest
- Blighted Village
- Sunlit Wetlands / Putrid Bog
- Goblin Camp
- Waukeen's Rest
- Mountain Pass
Regional Waypoints[ред. | ред. код]
The following Waypoints are available within the Wilderness region.
- Overgrown Ruins ( X: 276 Y: 298 )
- Silvanus' Grove ( X: 246 Y: 423 )
- The Risen Road ( X: 82 Y: 597 )
- Blighted Village ( X: 34 Y: 394 )
- Riverside Teahouse ( X: -10 Y: 250 )
- Goblin Camp ( X: -74 Y: 445 )
- Waukeen's Rest ( X: -77 Y: 570 )
Characters[ред. | ред. код]
Companions[ред. | ред. код]
The following companions may all be found in the unnamed Wilderness region (additional companions are available in named locations within the Wilderness):
Увага, спойлер! Цей розділ розкриває подробиці про історію Браму Балдура 3.
Notable NPCs[ред. | ред. код]
All other notable NPCs are contained within named locations.
Monsters[ред. | ред. код]
Loot[ред. | ред. код]
The following loot may all be found in the unnamed Wilderness region (additional quests are available in named locations within the Wilderness):
- (Contribute to the wiki if you are aware of any Notable Loot in nameless regions of the Wilderness)
Hidden Treasures[ред. | ред. код]
Увага, спойлер! Цей розділ розкриває подробиці про історію Браму Балдура 3.
Related Quests[ред. | ред. код]
The following quests may all be found in the unnamed Wilderness region (additional quests are available in named locations within the Wilderness):