Дивіться: Список всіх заклять у грі ББ3
Закляття (також Чари чи Заклинання, англ. Spells) — це окремий магічний ефект, одиничне формування магічних енергій, які наповнюють мультисвіт, у конкретне, обмежене вираження. Створюючи чари, персонаж обережно вищипує невидимі нитки сирої магії, що пронизують світ, закріплює їх у потрібному порядку, налаштовує на вібрацію певним чином, а потім відпускає, щоб звільнити бажаний ефект — у більшості випадків це займає лічені секунди.
Чари можуть бути універсальними інструментами, зброєю чи захисними стражами. Вони можуть завдавати пошкодження чи зцілювати, накладати або прибирати стани, висмоктувати життєву енергію чи повертати мертвих до життя.
Незліченні тисячі чарів були створені упродовж існування мультисвіту, і багато з них давно забуті. Деякі ще можуть бути записані у крихких книгах чарів, сховані в давніх руїнах чи замкнені в умах мертвих богів. Або одного дня їх винайдуть знову персонажі, котрі накопичили для цього достатньо сили та мудрості.
Закляття доступні магічним класам (півмагічним, третьмагічним). Проказування заклять вимагає витрати спеціальних чарунок (Spell Slots). Присутні в усіх іграх серії [[Baldur's Gate (series)|Брама Балдура]. Починаючи з гри Брама Балдура 3 з'являються також замовляння (Cantrips), які схожі на закляття, але не витрачають чарунків.
Класи[ред. | ред. код]
Усі класи та субкласи персонажів можна розділити на:
- Заклиначі — Бард, Клірик, Друїд, Чародій та Чарівник отримують ефективний магічний рівень за кожний рівень.
- Півзаклиначі — Слідопит та Паладин отримують половину ефективного магічного рівня за кожний рівень, але до 2-го рівня вважаються не магічним класом.
- Третьзаклиначі — Містичний штукар та Містичний лицар отримують третину ефективного магічного рівня за кожний рівень, але до 3-го рівня вважаються не магічним класом.
При обчислені ефективного магічного рівня його значення округлюється до більшого.
Таблиця чарунків для ефективного магічного рівня (ЕМР)[ред. | ред. код]
ЕМР | Кількість чарунків рівнів | |||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | |
1 | 2 | - | - | - | - | - |
2 | 3 | - | - | - | - | - |
3 | 4 | 2 | - | - | - | - |
4 | 4 | 3 | - | - | - | - |
5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | - | - | - |
6 | 4 | 3 | 3 | - | - | - |
7 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 | - | - |
8 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 | - | - |
9 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | - |
10 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | - |
11 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
12 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
У Чаклуна своя особлива система...

Ця сторінка є заглушкою. Ви можете допомогти нашій вікі, розширивши її. Дивіться розділ довідки про те, як зробити свій внесок..
Spells are magical energies from the multiverse conjured by spellcasters (Wizard, Sorcerer, Druid, Warlock, etc.) through experience, knowledge, or innate ability to create magical Effects, deal damage to enemies, or heal their allies.
All spellcasters are proficient with Spell Attacks. When they make an Attack Roll with a Spell, they roll against the target's Armour Class (or AC):
Spells which do not invoke an Attack Roll often require the target to roll a Saving Throw against the spellcaster's spellcasting Difficulty Class (or DC):
Spell Slots[ред. | ред. код]
Spell Slots are the spellcasters' Resource used to cast Spells. Once Spell Slots are depleted, they can only be regained through a Long Rest, with the following notable exceptions:
- Certain classes like Wizard and some Druid subclasses have the ability to regain a small number of Spell Slots once per Long Rest.
- Wild Magic Barbarians have access to the Bolstering Magic feature, allowing them to recover a few low level spell slots of an ally. Should they multiclass into a spellcasting class they could also do this for themselves.
- Certain items, such as the Pearl of Power Amulet or Spellcrux Amulet, also allow for the recovery of spell slots, but each can only be used once per Long Rest.
- The Arcane Cultivation line of Elixirs allow for the user to gain an additional corresponding spell slot. This functionally regains them a spell slot per elixir drank if the user is not at full capacity for that spell slot level.
- Warlocks, with their Pact Magic spellcasting feature, only need to take a Short Rest to fully regain their Spell Slots.
Spell Slot Levels[ред. | ред. код]
A spell's level represents the power of a given spell, as well as its difficulty to be cast. Each Spell Level has a corresponding Spell Slot Level that is required be spent : Level 1,
Level 2,
Level 3, and so on.
Cantrips Файл:Cantrips Icon.pngare "level 0" spells. They do not consume any spell slots and are effectively an infinite resource.
Due to their unique mechanics, the spell slots of a Warlock are colored differently, like so: Файл:Warlock 2 Level 1 Spell Slots Icon.png
A spell's level occasionally has mechanical impact outside of the spell slot level required for its use: Wizards need to spend more gold to learn a higher level spell, Counterspell is harder to use against a spell of a higher level. A couple of subclass features for Wizards also scale off of the spell slot level used (Arcane Ward, Grim Harvest)
Upcasting[ред. | ред. код]
Upcasting refers to when a spellcaster chooses to use a higher level spell slot to cast a lower level spell. Many spells gain additional damage dice, a larger area of effect, allow for more targets, or other effects when upcast, but some spells gain no additional benefit other than the fact they are treated as a higher level spell. Warlock spells are always upcast to their highest known spell level.
Spell Slot Amount[ред. | ред. код]
ESL | Spell Slots per Spell Level | |||||
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() | |
1 | 2 | - | - | - | - | - |
2 | 3 | - | - | - | - | - |
3 | 4 | 2 | - | - | - | - |
4 | 4 | 3 | - | - | - | - |
5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | - | - | - |
6 | 4 | 3 | 3 | - | - | - |
7 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 | - | - |
8 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 | - | - |
9 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | - |
10 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | - |
11 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
12 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
The total amount of spell slots a spellcaster would get is dependent upon their Effective Spellcaster Level (ESL). For full spellcasters (Bards, Clerics, Druids, Sorcerers, and Wizards) this is exactly their class level (A level 5 wizard has an Effective Spellcaster Level of 5); "Half-spellcasters" (Rangers and Paladins), are not considered spellcasters until class level 2, at which point their ESL is their class level halved. "One-third-spellcasters" ( Arcane Trickster Rogues and
Eldritch Knight Fighters) are all subclasses that can only be taken at class level three, their ESL is their class level divided by three. For the purpose of determining Spell Slot Distribution the ESL is rounded up when no multiclassing of multiple spellcaster classes is involved.
When multiple spellcaster classes are chosen for a character, the character's ESL is instead the ESL of every individual spellcasting class that the character has, each rounded down, and then summed up. As an example, a level 1 cleric/level 3 paladin/level 3 ranger character would have an ESL of 3, because:
Because of the differing rounding between non-multiclass and multiclass characters, a peculiar edge case exists when a "partial spellcaster" multiclasses into another "partial spellcaster" class. To illustrate this consider a level 3 paladin that picks up a level of ranger. Both of these classes are "half-spellcasters". A level 3 pure paladin has an ESL of 2, due to the rounding up. But when they multiclass into another "half-spellcasters" class, one may assume this character would lose an ESL by leveling up, as the rule now requires rounding down. However, as mentioned earlier, "partial spellcasters" classes are not considered spellcasters until they get to ESL 1 without rounding. So a level 3 paladin/level 1 ranger still has an ESL of 2. In short, due to how the rule is written, a character will never lose ESL by leveling up, no matter what.
Once the Effective Spellcaster Level is known, one can consult the appended table to find out their character's spell slot distribution.
The number of spell slot for each level across ESL has no clear pattern, but when a spell level opens up does have an identifiable pattern. The maximum spell level a spellcaster has access to is their ESL halved and then rounded up.
Warlocks are unique in this regard. Their spell slots are all of uniform level, matching the highest spell slot available of a normal full spellcaster class until spell level 5, which is the highest level spell slot warlocks can have. They also simply gain a spell slot at class level 1,2, and 11.
Concentration[ред. | ред. код]
Main page: Concentration
Concentration is another type of resource a spellcaster has. Certain spells require the caster to continuously put focus into the spell in order to maintain its effects. Such spells are called
Concentration spells, and this requirement will be clearly labeled with the
Concentration tag in the spell's description. The caster may still do other actions while concentrating, but are at risk of losing said concentration under certain circumstances. If the caster loses Concentration, the spell ends prematurely. A caster can only concentrate on one spell at a time - said spell will be shown on top of/next to the caster's portrait and in the list of conditions the spellcaster has.
Ways a caster can lose Concentration while concentrating includes:
- Failing a Concentration Constitution Saving Throw. Said Saving Throw occurs every time a concentrating caster takes damage. The DC of this Saving Throw is either 10 or half the number of damage taken, whichever is higher.
- Being affected by Conditions such as Downed, Sleeping, Rage, etc. If this happens Concentration is dropped without recourse.
- The caster can also voluntarily end the Concentration effect. Either by casting another Concentration Spell, or by manually ending Concentration.
- Unlike most actions, the manual ending of concentration can be done at anytime, even amidst someone else's turn. For players this is done via the x button on the concentrated spell's icon next to the caster's main portrait.
Due to the impact of many Concentration spells, it is very beneficial for a spellcaster to acquire an
Advantage or bonuses for their Concentration Constitution Saving Throws, but this is rather difficult to come by:
- The War caster Feat grants
Advantage on Concentration Saving Throws.
- The Resilient(Constitution) Feat Grants a +1 to a character's Constitution score as well as granting Proficiency in all Constitution Saving Throws.
- Transmuter's Stone(Constitution), a Transmutation School Wizard subclass feature, grants the holder of said stone Proficiency in all Constitution Saving Throws.
- Arcane Ward, an Abjuration School Wizard subclass feature, reduces all incoming damage. When the damage is reduced to 0, no Concentration Saving Throws take place.
- Bless and Resistance each grant a 1d4 bonus to all Saving Throws. Both are concentration spells themselves, so the casters of these spells are themselves at risk of dropping these spells when taking damage.
- Gaseous Form grants
Advantage on all Constitution saving throws but also sets the target's Constitution score to 10, and is itself again a concentration spell.
- Warding Bond grants its target a +1 bonus to all Saving Throws, and persists until long rest and does not require concentration. However it requires the caster of warding bond to take all damage their target does.
Spellcasting Ability and Proficiency[ред. | ред. код]
Every class, even non-spellcasters, has an ability specifically designated to represent their ability to cast spells. This ability would be that class's Spellcasting Ability, the Ability Score Modifier of said Spellcasting Ability is directly added to the difficulty for which the spellcaster's targets face when trying to mitigate the effects of most spells from said spellcaster. This added difficulty-to-resist is more simply known as the spellcaster's Spellcasting Ability Modifier.
Non-spellcasters typically only cast spells by using magical items (which include scrolls), regardless, all characters get to add their Proficiency Bonus to their spell's difficulty-to-resist, in a similar fashion to their Spellcasting Ability Modifier.
For more details, see the Saving Throw and Attack Roll pages for a comprehensive explanation of how the Spellcasting Ability Modifier and Proficiency Bonus is applied.
Each class uses a different Ability Score Modifier for spellcasting:
Intelligence (INT): Wizards, Fighters*†, and Rogues*†.
Wisdom (WIS): Clerics, Rangers, Druids, and Monks*.
Charisma (CHA):Bards, Paladins, Sorcerers, Warlocks, and Barbarians*.
†These classes, while normally non-spellcasters, have the option of becoming spellcasters by specializing into specific subclasses ( Arcane Trickster Rogues and
Eldritch Knight Fighters)
NB: Occasionally, specific spells will designate its own Spellcasting Ability regardless of the class in question, this is most commonly a result of spells obtained via racial features.
Prepared Spells[ред. | ред. код]
Prepared Spells are Spells that must be prepared beforehand in order to be cast, this can only be done outside of combat. Spellcasters that primarily utilizes this type of spells are known as Prepared Spellcasters. This includes:
- Cleric
- Druid
- Paladin
- Wizard
These spellcasters will need to anticipate which spells would be useful in advance. In exchange, these classes will have access to every class-level-appropriate spell in their Spell List.
Uniquely, Wizards are prepared casters that can only choose a subset of eligible spells to be learnt on leveling up, but are allowed to learn more spells by transcribing scrolls.
The number of Prepared Spells each class can have at a time is equal to (Spellcasting Ability Modifier + Class Level) (Minimum of 1)
For this purpose a Paladin's class level is halved and rounded down.
Known Spells[ред. | ред. код]
Known Spells are spells permanently memorized by a spellcaster, meaning these Spells are functionally Always Prepared. Spellcasters that primarily utilizes this type of spells are known as Spontaneous Spellcasters. This includes:
Arcane Trickster Rogue
- Bard
Eldritch Knight Fighter
- Ranger
- Sorcerer
- Warlock
These spellcasters will not need to worry about spell preparation. In exchange, they can only learn a subset of their class's Spell List.
Spontaneous Spellcasters have access to the Replacement Spell feature, which allows them to swap a known spell each time they level up.
Additionally, Spells granted by Races or by certain Subclasses (such as Cleric Domains) are considered "inherent" and is Always Prepared. This happens even if the character in question has a class that is normally is a Prepared Spellcaster.
Ritual Spells[ред. | ред. код]
When a Ritual Spell is cast outside of combat, they do not consume spell slots and are effectively free to cast. They consume spell slots as normal in-combat.
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All Spells[ред. | ред. код]
Note: These lists will be auto-generated in the near future, once all spell pages use Template:SpellPage. Don't spend too much time updating these lists manually, as your work will be replaced by the auto-generated lists.
Cantrips[ред. | ред. код]
- Cantrips are Spells that do not cost Spell Slots to cast. Cantrips marked with † are only granted by magic items.
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Acid Splash
Blade Ward
Bone Chill
Dancing Lights
Eldritch Blast
Fire Bolt
- Файл:Guidance Icon.png Guidance
- Файл:Light Cantrip Icon.png Light
Mage Hand
Minor Illusion
Poison Spray
- Файл:Produce Flame Icon 64px.png Produce Flame
- Файл:Ray Of Frost Icon.png Ray of Frost
- Файл:Resistance Icon.png Resistance
- Файл:Sacred Flame Icon.png Sacred Flame
- Файл:Shillelagh Icon 64px.png Shillelagh
Shocking Grasp
- Файл:Action SelunesDream.png Selûne's Dream†
- Файл:Thaumaturgy Icon.png Thaumaturgy
- Файл:Thorn Whip Icon.png Thorn Whip
True Strike
- Файл:Vicious Mockery Icon.png Vicious Mockery
Level 1 Spells[ред. | ред. код]
Level 1 Spells are Spells that consume Level 1 Spell Slots when cast.
<templatestyles src="Div col/styles.css"/>
Animal Friendship
- Файл:Armour Of Agathys 2 Icon.png Armour of Agathys
- Файл:Arms of Hadar Icon.png Arms of Hadar
- Файл:Bless Icon.png Bless
- Файл:Burning Hands Icon.png Burning Hands
Charm Person
- Файл:Chromatic Orb Icon.png Chromatic Orb
- Файл:Colour Spray Icon.png Colour Spray
- Файл:Compelled Duel Icon.png Compelled Duel
- Файл:Create Water.png Create or Destroy Water
Cure Wounds
Disguise Self
- Файл:Dissonant Whispers Icon.png Dissonant Whispers
- Файл:Divine Favour Icon.png Divine Favour
Enhance Leap
- Файл:Ensnaring Strike Melee Icon.png Ensnaring Strike (Melee)
- Файл:Ensnaring Strike Ranged Icon.png Ensnaring Strike (Ranged)
- Файл:Entangle Icon.png Entangle
Expeditious Retreat
Faerie Fire
- Файл:False Life Icon.png False Life
Feather Fall
Find Familiar
Fog Cloud
- Файл:Goodberry Icon.png Goodberry
Guiding Bolt
- Файл:Grease Icon.png Grease
- Файл:Hail Of Thorns Icon.png Hail of Thorns
Healing Word
- Файл:Hellish Rebuke Icon.png Hellish Rebuke
- Файл:Heroism Icon.png Heroism
- Файл:Hex Icon.png Hex
- Файл:Hunter's Mark Icon.png Hunter's Mark
- Файл:Ice Knife Icon.png Ice Knife
- Файл:Inflict Wounds Icon.png Inflict Wounds
Mage Armour
Magic Missile
Protection from Evil and Good
- Файл:Ray Of Sickness Icon.png Ray of Sickness
- Файл:Sanctuary Icon.png Sanctuary
- Файл:Searing Smite Icon.png Searing Smite
- Файл:Shield Spell Icon.png Shield
- Файл:Shield Of Faith Icon.png Shield of Faith
Speak with Animals
- Файл:Tasha's Hideous Laughter Icon.png Tasha's Hideous Laughter
- Файл:Thunderous Smite Icon.png Thunderous Smite
- Файл:Witch Bolt Icon.png Witch Bolt
- Файл:Wrathful Smite Icon.png Wrathful Smite
Level 2 Spells[ред. | ред. код]
Level 2 Spells are Spells that consume Level 2 Spell Slots when cast.
<templatestyles src="Div col/styles.css"/>
- Файл:Aid Icon.png Aid
- Файл:Arcane Lock Icon.png Arcane Lock
- Файл:Barkskin Icon.png Barkskin
- Файл:Blur Icon.png Blur
- Файл:Branding Smite (Melee) Icon.png Branding Smite
- Файл:Calm Emotions Icon.png Calm Emotions
- Файл:Cloud of Daggers Icon.png Cloud of Daggers
Crown of Madness
Detect Thoughts
- Файл:Enhance Ability Icon.png Enhance Ability
- Файл:Enlarge - Reduce Icon.png Enlarge/Reduce
- Файл:Enthrall Icon.png Enthrall
- Файл:Flame Blade Icon.png Flame Blade
- Файл:Flaming Sphere Icon.png Flaming Sphere
- Файл:Gust of Wind Icon.png Gust of Wind
- Файл:Heat Metal Icon.png Heat Metal
Hold Person
- Файл:Knock Icon.png Knock
Lesser Restoration
- Файл:Magic Weapon Icon.png Magic Weapon
- Файл:Melf's Acid Arrow Icon 64px.png Melf's Acid Arrow
Mirror Image
Misty Step
- Файл:Moonbeam Icon.png Moonbeam
- Файл:Pass Without Trace Icon.png Pass Without Trace
- Файл:Phantasmal Force Icon.png Phantasmal Force
- Файл:Prayer Of Healing Icon.png Prayer of Healing
- Файл:Protection From Poison Icon.png Protection from Poison
- Файл:Ray Of Enfeeblement Icon.png Ray of Enfeeblement
- Файл:Scorching Ray Icon.png Scorching Ray
- Файл:See Invisibility Icon.png See Invisibility
- Файл:Spike Growth Icon.png Spike Growth
- Файл:Spiritual Weapon Icon.png Spiritual Weapon
- Файл:Warding Bond Icon.png Warding Bond
- Файл:Web Icon.png Web
Level 3 Spells[ред. | ред. код]
Level 3 Spells are Spells that consume Level 3 Spell Slots when cast.
<templatestyles src="Div col/styles.css"/>
- Файл:Animate Dead Icon.png Animate Dead
- Файл:Beacon of Hope Icon.png Beacon of Hope
Bestow Curse
- Файл:Blinding Smite Icon.png Blinding Smite
- Файл:Blink Icon.png Blink
Call Lightning
- Файл:Conjure Barrage Icon.png Conjure Barrage
- Файл:Counterspell Icon.png Counterspell
- Файл:Crusader's Mantle Icon.png Crusader's Mantle
- Файл:Elemental Weapon Icon.png Elemental Weapon
- Файл:Feign Death Icon.png Feign Death
- Файл:Gaseous Form Icon.png Gaseous Form
- Файл:Glyph of Warding Icon.png Glyph of Warding
Hunger of Hadar
Hypnotic Pattern
Mass Healing Word
- Файл:Lightning Arrow Icon.png Lightning Arrow
- Файл:Lightning Bolt Icon.png Lightning Bolt
Plant Growth
Protection from Energy
- Файл:Remove Curse Icon.png Remove Curse
- Файл:Revivify Icon.png Revivify
Sleet Storm
- Файл:Slow Icon.png Slow
- Файл:Speak with Dead Icon.png Speak with Dead
- Файл:Spirit Guardians Icon.png Spirit Guardians
- Файл:Stinking Cloud Icon.png Stinking Cloud
- Файл:Vampiric Touch Icon.png Vampiric Touch
- Файл:Warden of Vitality Icon.png Warden of Vitality
Level 4 Spells[ред. | ред. код]
Level 4 Spells are Spells that consume Level 4 Spell Slots when cast.
<templatestyles src="Div col/styles.css"/>
- Файл:Banishment Icon.png Banishment
- Файл:Blight Icon.png Blight
- Файл:Conjure Minor Elemental Icon.png Conjure Minor Elemental
- Файл:Death Ward Icon.png Death Ward
- Файл:Dimension Door Icon.png Dimension Door
- Файл:Evard's Black Tentacles Icon.png Evard's Black Tentacles
- Файл:Fire Shield Icon.png Fire Shield
Freedom of Movement
- Файл:Greater Invisibility Icon.png Greater Invisibility
- Файл:Guardian of Faith Icon.png Guardian of Faith
- Файл:Ice Storm Icon.png Ice Storm
- Файл:Otiluke's Resilient Sphere Icon.png Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
- Файл:Phantasmal Killer Icon.png Phantasmal Killer
- Файл:Stoneskin Icon.png Stoneskin
- Файл:Wall of Fire Icon.png Wall of Fire
Level 5 Spells[ред. | ред. код]
Level 5 Spells are Spells that consume Level 5 Spell Slots when cast.
<templatestyles src="Div col/styles.css"/>
- Файл:Spell CurriculumOfStrategy ArtistryOfWar.png Artistry of War
- Файл:Cloudkill Icon.png Cloudkill
- Файл:Cone of Cold Icon.png Cone of Cold
- Файл:Conjure Elemental Icon.png Conjure Elemental
- Файл:Contagion Icon.png Contagion
- Файл:Destructive Wave Icon.png Destructive Wave
- Файл:Spell Dethrone.png Dethrone
- Файл:Dispel Evil and Good Icon.png Dispel Evil and Good
- Файл:Dominate Person Icon.png Dominate Person
- Файл:Flame Strike Icon.png Flame Strike
- Файл:Greater Restoration Icon.png Greater Restoration
- Файл:Hold Monster Icon.png Hold Monster
- Файл:Insect Plague Icon.png Insect Plague
- Файл:Spell Evocation MassCureWounds.png Mass Cure Wounds
- Файл:Spell Abjuration PlanarBinding.png Planar Binding
- Файл:Seeming Icon.png Seeming
- Файл:Telekinesis Icon.png Telekinesis
- Файл:Spell WallOfStone.png Wall of Stone
Level 6 Spells[ред. | ред. код]
Level 6 Spells are Spells that consume Level 6 Spell Slots when cast.
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- Файл:Spell Abjuration ArcaneGate.png Arcane Gate
- Файл:Spell Evocation BladeBarrier.png Blade Barrier
- Файл:Spell Evocation ChainLightning.png Chain Lightning
- Файл:Spell CircleOfDeath.png Circle of Death
- Файл:Spell Necromancy CreateUndead.png Create Undead
- Файл:Spell Transmutation Disintegrate.png Disintegrate
- Файл:Spell Eyebite Panicked.png Eyebite
- Файл:Spell Transmutation FleshToStone.png Flesh to Stone
- Файл:Spell Abjuration GlobeOfInvulnerability.png Globe of Invulnerability
- Файл:Spell Necromancy Harm.png Harm
- Файл:Heal Icon.png Heal
- Файл:Spell Conjuration HeroesFeast.png Heroes' Feast
- Файл:Spell Evocation OtilukesFreezingSphere CreateGlobe.png Otiluke's Freezing Sphere
- Файл:Spell OttosIrresistibleDance.png Otto's Irresistible Dance
- Файл:Spell Conjuration PlanarAlly.png Planar Ally
- Файл:Spell Evocation Sunbeam.png Sunbeam
- Файл:Spell Evocation WallOfIce.png Wall of Ice
- Файл:Spell WallOfThorns.png Wall of Thorns
- Файл:Spell Transmutation WindWalk.png Wind Walk
Level 9 Spells[ред. | ред. код]
- Файл:Ico knownSpells lvl 09.png These are special spells only available to Non-Player Characters.
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Spell Properties Table[ред. | ред. код]
Note: This table will be auto-generated in the near future, once all spell pages use Template:SpellPage. Don't spend too much time updating this table manually, as your work will be replaced by the auto-generated table.
Trivia[ред. | ред. код]
- Some spells were changed from their D&D 5e counterparts. For a detailed comparison see D&D 5e Spell Changes.
External Links[ред. | ред. код]